4 Ways You Can Benefit from the DriveSure Pass
Mobile phones - they’re with us all of the time now, aren’t they? They serve every imaginable purpose from alarm clock, to fitness tracker, to home thermostat and light switch. Businesses from almost every industry are getting...
Roadside Assistance Programs Drive Customers Back
Even the best maintained vehicles breakdown. There are unexpected mechanical issues, road hazards, accidents, etc. These events typically require emergency roadside assistance, and your dealership can capture revenue for these unplanned repairs by offering a...
Successfully Transitioning Customers from Oil Changes to Scheduled Maintenance Services
Guest Post by Bill Springer Not so very long ago, new car dealership service directors could count on seeing their customers for car maintenance services multiple times per year. Between the occasional warranty related repair and three or four oil changes,...
Turn your Oil Change Service into a Strategic Customer Retention Tool
Article written by Bill Springer. Perhaps the most commonly performed procedure in the new car dealership service department is the oil change. Getting customers to return several times a year for this preventive maintenance service is perhaps the most telling...
Tire Replacement – Customer Retention and Revenue
"90% of dealership service customers that buy tires elsewhere never return to the dealership for service." Americans are keeping their cars longer than ever before, often for 10+ years. Tires typically must be replaced after six years (or more often, depending on...
6 Ways to Fill Service Bays Using Online and Digital Strategies
The average dealership typically dedicates less than 5% of their website to the car service department. Yet only 10% of car buyers say they don’t look for car service department reviews prior to purchasing a vehicle. Additionally, a major concern for dealerships is...
The Benefits of Texting; Communicate with Customers the Way They Want
It’s time to rethink how you communicate with your customers. 95% of adults own a cellphone of some sort and 77% of those phones are smartphones. Texting makes sense. It is popular, it is fast and it is convenient for your customers and for your service...
Dealerships – It’s Not Just About New Car Sales
Because improved technology and assembly line advancements have made automobiles both more efficient and more reliable with fewer warranty issues, car dealerships must find ways to add value to their customers, and increase revenue. Selling Happens at All Levels of a...
Keeping Customers Happy is the Bottom Line
Make new friends, but keep the old… This is a ditty that many of us remember from our childhoods. However, the idea is especially true for car dealerships when it comes to keeping existing customer happy … and coming back. The challenge is maintaining a good...
Have Oil Changes Become a Commodity?
In the past month or so, I've heard a lot of Service Managers and Fixed Operations Directors express that they've resigned to the notion that prices dictated by their manufacturers commoditize their routine services - especially oil changes. In other words, their...
What Are Your Customers’ First Impressions of Your Dealership?
As Will Rogers said, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Creating favorable customer impressions may even seem easy when you can show off renovated waiting areas and state-of-the-art amenities. But, let's not fool ourselves into thinking that...
When Emergency Strikes, Be Prepared
With winter weather around the corner, now is the time to prepare for the unexpected. An inoperative vehicle can be scary. So, give yourself a little extra peace of mind by making certain you have what you need just in case you become stranded. Here are our tips for...