
New Survey Data: How DriveSure Improves Customer Retention

New Survey Data: How DriveSure Improves Customer Retention

How can we improve service customer retention? This age-old question haunts the minds of service department managers and directors. But what if there was an easy fix? Partnering with DriveSure not only elevates the customer experience but improves your customer retention.

Creating an Über Experience: Rideshare as an Amenity

Creating an Über Experience: Rideshare as an Amenity

What’s the easiest way to improve your customer experience? Level up your amenity offerings with a rideshare service. Your customers will never have to worry about a ride, and you will never have to worry about the competition.

Don’t Let Customers Expire with Their Warranty

Don’t Let Customers Expire with Their Warranty

Just because the factory-paid maintenance or warranty has expired doesn’t mean your customer relationship should too. Understanding how to leverage this moment into ongoing revenue opportunities ensures your bottom-line never hits a roadblock.

EVs Go Mainstream – Is Your Service Department Ready?

EVs Go Mainstream – Is Your Service Department Ready?

Electric vehicles (EVs) are quickly becoming the new norm, and service departments need to adapt to this reality. In the first quarter of 2021, battery-only EV sales soared 45% year over year, compared with 11% growth in the overall auto market, according to Cox...

5 Ways Dealerships Can Better Compete for Service Customers

5 Ways Dealerships Can Better Compete for Service Customers

The service department is a crucial profit center for new-car dealerships. But earning and retaining the customers that make that profit possible isn’t easy. Aftermarket service providers are constantly working to win your customers over, and they’re often pretty good...

Now’s the Time for New-Car Dealers to Focus on Used Vehicles

Now’s the Time for New-Car Dealers to Focus on Used Vehicles

While new-vehicle sales have rebounded nicely following the pandemic-related depths of 2020, current production delays and overall inventory issues threaten growth within the new-car market. “There are nearly 1.1 million fewer vehicles in inventory at dealerships this...

Why Dealerships’ Service Experience Starts With the Sale

Why Dealerships’ Service Experience Starts With the Sale

You won’t get a second chance to make a good first impression The relationship between a customer and a dealership’s service department doesn’t begin when the vehicle needs its first oil change. It actually starts as soon as the new vehicle owner agrees to sign on the...

Why Dealership GMs Should Pay More Attention to Service

Why Dealership GMs Should Pay More Attention to Service

From hiring and training department heads to monitoring the daily operating control (DOC) to annual forecasting, resolving elevated customer complaints, and so much more —dealership general managers (GMs) have a bevy of responsibilities. And while the most successful...

5 Fresh Marketing Ideas to Rev Up Your Fixed Ops

5 Fresh Marketing Ideas to Rev Up Your Fixed Ops

Are you struggling to fill your service bays with new customers or retain existing customers? Or maybe you’re looking for big growth this year? Then it’s probably time to take a look at your fixed ops marketing strategy. The past 12 months haven’t been easy on many...

Tips and Strategies to Get More Positive Customer Reviews

Tips and Strategies to Get More Positive Customer Reviews

Like it or not, customer reviews are a big deal for dealership service departments. We know, it doesn’t always feel fair that a seemingly innocuous set of “star ratings” can have such an impact. But it does. Many potential new customers are going online to vet you...

A Dealership General Manager’s Guide to Improvement

A Dealership General Manager’s Guide to Improvement

Abe Lincoln once famously said, “give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” The lesson there, of course, is that preparation and remaining ever-sharp is important to success — especially long-term success. As the captain...

Join us for a free online event on July 28th!Battling 5 Dealership Service Defection Points with DriveSure