
Texting Is Now the Top Preference for Service Customers

Texting Is Now the Top Preference for Service Customers

This article was originally posted to Texting has come a long way since the days of flip phones and message limits. What was once a communication channel reserved only for our closest friends and family is now a common way we interact with businesses....

Service Department Amenities: What Do Your Customers Want?

Service Department Amenities: What Do Your Customers Want?

Snacks. Coffee. WiFi. It seems these are staples for most dealership service department waiting areas. But are those the amenities that keep your customers loyal to your service department? Probably not. Are they convenient and nice to have? Yes, but it’s what you...

Even Loyal Dealership Service Customers Buy Tires Elsewhere

Even Loyal Dealership Service Customers Buy Tires Elsewhere

This article was originally posted to It’s widely known that dealerships still have a lot of ground to make up when it comes to selling tires. According to Modern Tire Dealer, auto dealerships still handle just under 10% of the total tire market as of...

More Time: How to Create It in Your Service Advisors’ Day

More Time: How to Create It in Your Service Advisors’ Day

This article was originally posted to A service advisor’s job is often one with a dozen things needing attention at the same time — greeting customers, passing on work orders, checking on parts, taking calls, making calls, and more. But as we’re often...

Service Writer Training: People Skills Your Customers Will Love

Service Writer Training: People Skills Your Customers Will Love

This article was originally posted to Service writers do a lot of things. They answer the phone and greet your customers. They master dealership technologies. They cross-sell and upsell. The list goes on and on. But, of all the things they do, the...

Getting the Most from Your BDC

Getting the Most from Your BDC

Do you have a business development center (BDC)? Have you thought about adding one? With the goal of developing sales and service business for a dealership, a BDC representative’s job is to manage a dealership’s inbound and outbound customer relationships — making...

Press Release: DriveSure Compiles Repair Order Volume During COVID-19

Press Release: DriveSure Compiles Repair Order Volume During COVID-19

Northbrook, Ill., April 07, 2020 — DriveSure, a customer retention product designed for new car dealerships by Krex, Inc., has compiled data on closed repair order volume to help new car dealerships understand and respond to changes in demand for vehicle maintenance...

How Technology Helps Service Advisors Win the Communication Game

How Technology Helps Service Advisors Win the Communication Game

A great dealership prioritizes communication with its customers, vendors, manufacturers, and coworkers. Whether it’s asking the right questions or being clear and intentional in responses and direction, straightforward communication is a quality a successful business...

Why Your Dealership Should be Texting Customers and Prospects

Why Your Dealership Should be Texting Customers and Prospects

It’s 2020. How do you communicate with your service customers and sales leads? If you’re not texting them, you should be. Today more than 80% of the U.S. population has a cellphone. And 79% of adults have a smartphone with them 22 hours a day, interacting with it...

Retain More Service Customers with Digital Oil Change Reminders

Retain More Service Customers with Digital Oil Change Reminders

Oil change stickers are today’s standard practice for reminding car owners about routine maintenance on their vehicles. It’s a simple, unobtrusive cue to schedule their next service. At best, though, the sticker only suggests a return date and mileage. The car owner...

How Dealerships Deal When Tire Coverage Falls Flat

How Dealerships Deal When Tire Coverage Falls Flat

Driven by the importance car manufactures put on customer retention, much of a dealership’s energy is put into making sure every customer’s experience in its service department is a satisfactory one. The sales-to-service handoff and a new car owner’s first service...

Join us for a free online event on July 28th!Battling 5 Dealership Service Defection Points with DriveSure